Want a great way to show off those T-shirts and sweat shirts that you’ve collected over the years? Let us make them into a quilt for you to use in the bed room, family room or to hang on the wall. In the past 5 years, we have made over 600 T-shirt quilts.

For your sport fan, how about a wall hanging made from 12 of their shirts that they want to show off but don’t wear. Why not send your college student off into their new adventure with a “Little piece of Home” by making a throw size quilt from their high school activity shirts so they can wrap themselves in them while studying or missing home. We have made quilts from the following types of shirts: Pro and college sport teams, children’s school activities, Harley shirts, runners shirts, motor scooter clubs, sorority shirts, vacation travel shirts, hockey jerseys, soccer banners, and the list goes on.

To make a t-shirt quilt, all you have to do is bring in from 9 to 49 shirts, t-shirts, sweat shirts, jerseys, etc. and we do all the work. We will cut, lay out sew together, add backing and batting and then quilt them. Borders and sashing may be added if you want. Below are a few of the quilts we have made and we are looking forward in making one for you.


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(labor only)
Wall Hanging 9 shirts $199.00 $80.00
Lap Size 12 shirts $229.00 $80.00
Lap Size 16 shirts $249.00 $90.00
Twin Bed Size 20 shirts $279.00 $90.00
Full Size Bed 25 shirts $309.00 $95.00
Queen Size Bed 30 shirts $369.00 $95.00
King Size Bed 36 shirts $409.00 $109.00
Super King Size Bed 42 shirts $449.00 $109.00

Prices include:

  • Cutting, lay-out & sewing of shirts
  • One layer of batting polyester batting, 100% cotton border
  • White or off white backing
  • Quilting in white or neutral thread
  • 4″ border around quilt in your choice of available colors
  • Machine binding in your choice of available binding colors

Types of Shirts: We can mix most types of shirts, t-shirts, sweat shirts, etc
Normal turn around time is approximately 3 weeks

Additional Services Available

Add Photo Square $19.00
Piecing $5.00 per shirt (patches or logo from back to front)
Stabilizing Shirts $10.00
Rush Orders $25.00
Shipping and Handling $25.00 – includes box and insurance – UPS


Tee-Shirt Pillows
16″ square $69.00
Photo Pillows
$69.00 plus cost of photo
Prices subject to change without notice.